Design Assessment Form Please ensure that you have read all the information prior to submitting the application. Both the builder and the owner will be updated on the progress of the application via the email addresses provided below. “*” indicates a required field. HiddenStep Reverted This field is used to keep track if a step has been reverted, it is set to empty once at the complete step. it is set to true when the step is reverted. this is used to keep track of resetting and unsetting the following fields. due date SET Awaiting Resubmission Date Unset the following should be set when entry passes back to "Awaiting Resubmission"HiddenProject* HiddenProject Taxonomy Dynamically generated field used to get appropriate lot numbersApplication Type*Please SelectFull DesignMiscellaneousFull Design is for completely new applications. Miscellaneous application is for amendments to approved plans. Additional structures must be submitted as miscellaneous applications.Stage*Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3HiddenDesign Assessment Link* HiddenDesign Approval Status*HoldDepositedContract ExchangedContract ExecutedConditionalUnconditionalSettledCancelledRescindedCurrently does not update offer, as status is read-onlyHiddenmodified_step_datethis field is a modified step date field. more information can be found /themes/assessment-portal/lib/gf_addons/ngdd_modified_date_mapping.phpHiddenApproval Date DD slash MM slash YYYY HiddenInitial Assessment Date DD slash MM slash YYYY HiddenAwaiting Resubmission Date DD slash MM slash YYYY HiddenDue DateHiddenLot Post ID this is a quick way to access the Post ID of this exact lot rather then a complicated method of finding the ID of the lot post by searching by lot_no /^ project slug.HiddenImported Data Is this data imported to NGDD or internal data from NGDD's formHiddenOffer Salesforce ID Salesforce ID from JindingHiddenLot Stage Name Lot Number*Select Lot Number101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130Please ensure you have chosen the correct application type before proceeding. If you are trying to submit a new design, but your lot is greyed out, ask us for help at [email protected]HiddenStreet Name DividerApplicant's DetailsThe applicant is the one filling out this application, and will be responsible for making amendments. Your e-mail address will be used to access this application, so please verify it is correct.Applicant's Name* First name Last name Applicant's Email* Will be used for communication and updates.Applicant's Mobile*DividerBuilder's DetailsBuilder's Company Name* Builder's Contact Name* First name Last name Builder's Email* This is a secondary backup e-mail for this application. Anyone with access to this e-mail will be able to amend this application and will receive e-mail updates.Builder's MobileDividerOwner DetailsThe owner will not receive e-mail communication, nor will they be able to amend this application. This is necessary for our records.Owner's Name* First name Last name Owners's Email* Owners's MobileDividerHouse/Structure DetailsFloor Plan Name Name of floor plan/house design.Facade Name Name of facade.Structure Area (m²)*Levels/Floors*Garage TypeNoneDouble FrontDouble RearDouble SideSingle FrontSingle SideSingle RearTripleCarportOtherNumber of Bedrooms*Number of Living Spaces*Number of Bathrooms*DividerDocument SubmissionProvide all documents. We prefer a single combined PDF file with all documents. You can upload individual documents if necessary. If no documents are provided, it will delay your application by our current wait time. Incomplete or partial applications will be returned without assessment.Documents* Site Plan - including all dimensions of the proposed building footprint and setbacks, contours or spot levels, and locations of driveway, crossover, external structures and ancillary items. (1:200 scale) Floorplans, roof plans and elevations - including all dimensions and proposed levels, internal layout and any pergolas, decks, terraces, balconies, windows, doors and other openings. (1:100 scale) Materials and finishes schedule - including all building, roof and fencing colours, materials and finishes. Landscape Plan - including all driveway materials and finishes, fencing line, materials and colours, planting locations and species, water connections, water tank locations and letterbox design and location. (1:100 scale) Retaining Walls (lots with greater than 1.5m land fall) - sectional drawing that explains the extent of proposed cut and fill location, and height of proposed retaining wall. (1:100 scale) Please tick off the above as you upload them.Attachments* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB. Each file must be 25MB or less.HiddenAmendments* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB. Each file must be 25MB or less.HiddenPrevious Amendments Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB. Each file must be 25MB or less.HiddenngdD Documents Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB. Each file must be 25MB or less.HiddenInspection Amendments Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB. Each file must be 25MB or less.NotesPlease include any notes / additional informationDividerAcknowledgementBy submitting this application I acknowledge* My building designer is aware of the Design Guidelines I understand that my house design must comply with all sections of the Design Guidelines HiddenAssessorddKim TanLaila ArmsdenLia TriantoundNicole McBainpbscsdsettlementsDeveloper agentRefundSettlementAssessorSubscriberContributorAuthorEditorAdministratorHiddenRevisionHiddenprevious_ammenements_file this is required for monitoring if the amendments file has changed.HiddenInvoices Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 25 MB. Δ